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Using Recovery Storage Group to Mount a Blank Database and Merge Data

Using Recovery Storage Group feature in E2K3, you can mount a second copy of an Exchange database on the same server as the original mailbox store, or on any other Exchange server that is in the same administrative group. You can use the Recovery Storage Group feature to recover mailbox data without having to install or configure a separate Exchange recovery server.

This article contains information about using Recovery Storage Group feature to swap the database and merge mailbox data often known as Dial tone recovery.

1. Dismount the mailbox store from ESM. 

2. In this case  the actual databases are as indicated below: 

Original Databases

Original Databases

3. Rename the database to Priv2.edb and Priv2.stm as below: 

Renaming Original Databases
Renaming Original Databases

4. Once the same is done, delete or move all the log files from E:\Program Files\Exchsrvr and then mount stores from ESM. 

Mount stores in ESM post renaming original databases

Mount stores in ESM post renaming original databases

5. It may indicate a warning. Please click on OK as below: 

Pop-up stating you are going to mount a blank store

Pop-up stating you are going to mount a blank store

6. Once the same is done, right click on the Server name and click NEW -> Recovery Storage Group. 

Create RSG in ESM

Create RSG in ESM

7. Point the transaction log location to C:\ Drive for the below screen: 

Pointing Log Files

Pointing Log Files

8. Now right click on Recovery Storage Group and click on “Add database to recover” 

Adding Database to RSG

Adding Database to RSG

9. Chose the mailbox store for our server from below: 

Choose the appropriate store

Choose the appropriate store

10. On the database tab in the next screen point the drives to C:\ 

Pointing Databases

Pointing Databases

11. Once the same is done, click OK and mount the database under RSG. 

Mounting Databases in RSG

Mounting Databases in RSG

12. It may indicate a warning : 



13. Click YES and then once the same is mounted, dismount it immediately. 

Dismount the store immediately

Dismount the store immediately

14. Copy the priv2.edb and priv2.stm from E:\Program Files\Exchsrvsr\MDBDATA to E:\Program Files\Exchsrvsr\ Recovery Storage Group along with the new databases which are named as Mailbox store (SERVERNAME).

15. Create a TEMP Folder and move the new databases Mailbox store (SERVERNAME).edb and Mailbox store (SERVERNAME).stm into the TEMP Folder along with the R00 Logs. 

Move the RSG Database

Move the RSG Database

16.Now rename the Priv2.edb (Step3) to RSG database Mailbox store (SERVERNAME).edb and Priv2.stm to Mailbox store (SERVERNAME).stm. This process is known as Dial tone recovery

Dialtone recovery - Sawpping Databases

Dialtone recovery - Sawpping Databases

17. Now mount the mailbox store under RSG Once more and Click on YES for the warning message. 

Pop-up post Dialtone process

Pop-up post Dialtone process

18. Now, click on Mailboxes under Mailbox store under RSG.

19. On the right hand side, select 3-4 mailboxes.

20. Right click on them and click on Exchange tasks: 

Exchange Tasks in ESM

Exchange Tasks in ESM

21. Complete the wizard as shown below:  

Recover Mailbox Wizard

Recover Mailbox Wizard

Merge data to target mailboxes

Merge data to target mailboxes


Merging Process

Merging Process


Wizard completed

Wizard completed

22.Perform the same for all the mailboxes and check with mail flow.


13 Responses to “Using Recovery Storage Group to Mount a Blank Database and Merge Data”

  1. Muhammad Irfan Sadiq Says:


    It is a nice Post, but i would like to add my two cents to it. I think it would have been nice if you had also added couple more steps with Screen shots stating that by default once we create RSG it Creates the Database .edb & .stm and log files on default drive. Which can be changed by using ADSIEDIT > Configuration Container > Services > etc. This would help the Exchange Admin who are not that Experienced and are looking for some help from More Experienced Exchange Engineers / Gurus.

  2. Brian Kronberg Says:

    Also be warned about Outlook in recovery mode.

  3. Mohit Verma Says:

    Nice Blog, Meera.

    Thanks. Keep posting such good data.

  4. admin Says:

    Good post. Performed this procedure yesterday, it worked perfectly.

  5. Musto Says:

    When I get to the stage where I need to highlight the mailboxes and click
    Exchange Tasks, I don’t get an ‘Exchange Tasks’ option 🙁 What am I doing wrong? Thanks

  6. Taparshi Says:

    U need Exchange SP2 to get that option

  7. Hennemann Says:

    I am really thankful to this topic because it really gives great information ~-`

  8. sanjeev Says:

    well i think i was searching for an explanation like this one which give us a some ideas in details but could you pls tell us do we really have log files exchsrvr folder or it’s in MBDData folder

  9. Techie Says:

    Excellent post!!

  10. Wushu Says:

    Wow! how nice how nice

  11. Tung Li Says:

    Thx man…

  12. sanjeev Says:

    Well I found it very help to cope-up with RSG issues and recovering the deleted mail box and it’s items

    Thanx a lot meera I really appreciate your help.

  13. Denny Says:

    Thank you for the article… Saved my time a lot… Good job!

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