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Archive for the ‘Windows 10’ Category

Windows 10: Recover a Crashed OS Disk – My Story

December 28th 2016 just after few days on my boy’s birth, my OS disk crashed which does not tell what is happening. Everything stops here on my Primary Laptop.  (more…)

MS Ignite 2015 – Key TakeAways and Highlights

satya nadella kicking off the event


Microsoft HoloLens- The Era of Holographic Computing

Before reading on.. watch this incredible jaw-dropping video!


Microsoft Ignite – Spark the Future (May 4 – May 8 2015)

I believe we are truly fortunate to be living in this phenomenal era of Digital Age!

With the multitude of cool technologies and concepts viz. cloud, IoT, big data, social, augmented reality, wearables, gaming, tablets, operating systems- harvesting all of this amazing technology is only half of the equation. Experiencing the technology hands-on is where real value lies and that’s where Microsoft Ignite will stand out.


Windows10 – Why It Makes Sense for Every Consumer?

While there were (still are) confusions galore, excitement, buzz and different expressions around “Why Microsoft called the next operating system Windows 10 and not Windows 9 – Microsoft successfully took centre-stage last week with all the amazing features it got out for Windows10.


Windows 10: The Window to RULE – Quick Highlights

The consumer market continues to evolve rapidly. The consumers are expecting everything to work on everything seamlessly!

