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Archive for May, 2014

Exchange 2003: Role Transfer and Removal from Exchange 2010 mixed mode

Exchange 2003 already passed the date of support cycle on April 08 2014 but removal has not been so easy for many organizations. The reason is the multiple components needs to be transferred to Exchange 2010 because of new design model of Exchange. (more…)

Update-GlobalAddressList error in Exchange 2007/2010

Update-GlobalAddressList error out as shown in Exchange 2010/2007

Exchange 2010 SP3 RU6 Released

Microsoft has released Exchange 2010 Service Pack 3 Rollup Update 6. (more…)

Exchange 2013 CU 5 Released

Microsoft has released Exchange 2013 Cumulative Update 5. (more…)

Exchange2013: Create and manage room mailboxes and Room lists

A room mailbox is a resource mailbox assigned to physical locations, such as a training room, conference room, discussion rooms so on. (more…)

Exchange 2013 – How to grant permissions for a Group

In this section we will see how we can assign permissions on group in Exchange 2013.

Exchange 2010: OAB download error 80190194

Recently I was working on the issue but could not find the solution anywhere so sharing this simple solution. (more…)

SPF records – Why do I care it exist?

Emails can be spoofed or forged in several ways. A simple example is to use Telnet to forge an email as shown

