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Archive for August, 2014

Exchange 2013 CU6: Don’t deploy in Exchange 2007 mixed mode and Hybrid

Microsoft recently released Exchange 2013 CU6 which is fixing a lot of issues which were coming in CU5. My Lab installation on new server went very smooth.


Exchange 2013: Cumulative Update 6 Installation

On August 26, 2014 Microsoft released the cumulative update 6 so I decided to deploy and share the screens of my deployment.

Microsoft Leads the Cloud Race!

Typing the word “cloud” in search tab will yield a million results.. Welcome to the “cloud world”!

Legacy Exchange: 2010 SP3 RU7 and 2007 SP3 RU14 Update Released

Microsoft today released the update legacy exchange software. (more…)

Exchange 2013: Cumulative Update 6 Released

Microsoft today released Cumulative Update 6 for Exchange 2013 today.

Exchange 2013 SP1: Impossible to Convert IP Less DAG to IP DAG

Recently I came across with an issue where situation demanded to convert an IP Less DAG to IP DAG. I am sharing the experience so that you are aware about the technology and plan better.

Microsoft Exchange 2013 In-Place Hold Feature

In-Place hold is an e-discovery feature introduced with Exchange server 2013. In-place hold helps an Administrator to decide what items under mailbox to hold and how much time to hold. (more…)

Dynamic Distribution Groups in Exchange 2013 and converting DDG into Distribution Group.

Dynamic Distribution lists (DDLs) are the email enabled active directory group objects defined by the filters and conditions, which are introduced with Exchange server 2007. (more…)

Role Based Access Control in Exchange 2013

Role Based Access Control model (RBAC) was introduced in Exchange server 2010 as a permission model where administrator doesn’t require modifying and managing the access control list (ACLs) with ADUC like in legacy versions.

