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Archive for the ‘Windows 2012 R2’ Category

Multi-Factor Authentication for RDS Portal Part2

As explained in part 1, we need to use Web access proxy to use Multi-Factor Authentication for RDWeb. Now there are 2 kinds of browsers IE which have active X and non-IE browser which are without active X. There is an expected behavior difference in both browsers. In this blog, I will share the difference, loop hole, and remediation.

Unable to Download “Azure Multi-Factor Authentication” Server

When I tried to download the “Azure Multi-Factor Authentication” Server from my tenant, I could not find an option to download the “Azure Multi-Factor Authentication” server.

RDWeb with MFA: Unable to Open Application on Non-IE Browsers

Recently we land up to the issue where were unable to open the RDWeb applications with the non-IE browsers which were downloading .rdp file. Let me share the small fix here as this is nowhere documented in the Microsoft internal and external or any blog.

Web Application Proxy with Azure MFA Part 2

After Part 1, we have Web Application Proxy installed and this is the configuration blog of WAP Deployment. We will also share the configuration required to publish RDWEB with WAP using the same server.

Web Application Proxy with Azure MFA Part 1

This blog explains the steps required for the installation of Web Application Proxy.

Unable to install Web Application Proxy

I got an issue while installing Web Application Proxy which does not seems documented anywhere so I am sharing. It is a small issue which does not let the trust complete.

Exchange 2010: Message Queued with 451 4.4.0 Dns query failed

We discussed this error earlier here

Windows 2012: Evaluation to Licensed Activation Error

I can see there are many migrations going on from 2003/2008 active directory to 2012 active directory or Exchange 2007/2010 to 2013 and in all the deployments we will be using windows 2012 so I thought of sharing my windows activation experience during my current Exchange deployment. (more…)

Exchange 2013 SP1: Impossible to Convert IP Less DAG to IP DAG

Recently I came across with an issue where situation demanded to convert an IP Less DAG to IP DAG. I am sharing the experience so that you are aware about the technology and plan better.

My 1st Blog at

Recently Microsoft accepted my blog on Windows 2012 R2 and Exchange 2013 SP1 to publish at


Exchange 2013 SP1: Installation and Upgrade

Microsoft released SP1 on Feb 25 2014 with many changes and the organization (has a policy to wait for SP1 before considering into production) will be looking to deploy Exchange 2013. (more…)

Windows 2012 Hyper – V: Innovation to Virtualization

We all know Hyper-V has improved a lot and being considered as number one hypervisor in today’s technology world. Windows 2012 R2 has enhanced more features. (more…)

