Error: User is in delete pending state on server please recover the user before adding user to server.
When we try to add a user to Blackberry Enterprise server, we end up getting the error as shown
“User is in delete pending state on server; please recover the user before adding user to server”
Well, you would have searched for the user obviously and maybe deleted him yourself but BB says you got to delete him before you can add again. This is because of “”some”” reason even after deleting the user, the user still exist in the BB database. So, we need to manually delete him before we can add him again.
Follow the steps on your BB server:
Start—>BB Enterprise Server–> BB Server Configuration
Look for SQL Information–> Look for the SQL Server–> “Name of the SQL Server hosting you BB database”
Login to the SQL Server
Start–> MS SQL 2005–>SQL Server Management Studio
Run the query as shown
Select DisplayName, ID from dbo.UserConfig where DisplayName like ‘Nair, Ratish’
–Delete from SyncDeviceMgmt where UserConfigID=’22179 ‘
–Delete from UserConfig where ID=’ 22179′
This will delete the user.
If you are an exchange guy and don’t know how to do this, get in touch with your SQL DBA.
Ratish Nair
MVP Exchange
Team @MSExchangeGuru
June 30th, 2011 at 10:38 pm
you are the Mr. Awesome. Thnk you so much. I called RIM and those guys wasted my time on this.