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Exchange 2010 blank OWA page

Exchange 2010 OWA page blank and no errors displayed.

The Web browser is just showing blank page.

Resolution: Go to Add Server Manager Click on Roles — Select IIS Server Right click Add roles Then Add the following sub contents of IIS

Under Common HTTP Features

  1. Static Content
  2. Directory Browsing
  3. HTTP Errors
  4. HTTP Redirection

Under Health and Diagnostics – This is not stopping the OWA but it might stop EXBPA to give the error.

  1. HTTP Logging
  2. Logging Tools
  3. Request Monitor
  4. Tracing

Prabhat Nigam

Team @MSExchangeGuru

13 Responses to “Exchange 2010 blank OWA page”

  1. Wizkid Says:

    Thank you Ratish for uploading this one

  2. Nef Says:

    Thanks it’s works!

  3. Logesh Says:


  4. Carri Says:

    This excellent posting, “Exchange 2010 blank OWA page

  5. Travis Says:

    Thank you! This is the 4th solution I have tried, and the only one that actually worked

  6. Stephen Says:

    Thanks for this. I tried some other sultions and this worked.

  7. Lehan Says:

    Thanks, spent the better half of the day researching this. Your steps are the only ones that worked!

  8. Prabhat Nigam Says:

    Welcome Lehan. Great to hear that my blog was helpful.

  9. hamza Says:

    thanks it work =) feeling happy love u yara

  10. Rachel Says:

    Hi there
    I have all of those already installed and am still getting a blank OWA screen. I have a Windows Server Standard 2012 with Exchange 2010 SP3.
    Any ideas?

  11. Prabhat Nigam Says:

    There can be different fixes for the same error.
    I have not tested on windows 2012 so Try to see you have all required IIS components installed for Exchange 2010 and it is not one of the server of your multiple Exchange server farm.

  12. kkJose Says:

    Asante sana(Thanks a lot)

  13. Obi Ejiofor Says:

    Had the same problem

    To fix this issue you must run the Exchange Management Shell and execute the updatecas.ps1 command from the “C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\Bin” folder. This will fix your issue, it causes the owa install to complete correctly.

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