Meeting room override previously scheduled meeting
This is a quick tip but hard to find a solution for!!!
Meeting room allows overriding the already scheduled meeting.
You will receive the following warning message which trying to do any update or check properties. Properties of the room mailbox will also ask to set the properties correct.
The values for ResourceMake, ResourceModel, and ResourceType must be included in the ResourceProperties collection.
The Object Domain/Path/roommailbox has been Corrupted, and it’s in an inconsistent state. The following validation errors happened:
The values for ResourceMake, ResourceModel, and ResourceType must be included in the ResourceProperties collection.
More information:
We might have provisioned the Room Resource mailbox via FIM which did not configure this attribute.
You may also see this error if you try to open the object in the Exchange Management Console and try to save it.
Open ADSIEDIT.msc–>
Go to the Properties of this room mailbox –>
Search for the attribute: msExchResourceSearchProperties
Add the value: Room
Click ok, Apply, ok.
Issue should be fixed by this.
Prabhat Nigam (Wizkid)
Team@ MSExchangeGuru