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iOS 6 and Exchange meetings update !

Apple just released an update for iOS6 and claims issue with meetings stands resolved

iOS 6.0.1 Software Update:

Description shows:

This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:

• Fixes a bug that prevents iPhone 5 from installing software updates wirelessly over the air
• Fixes a bug where horizontal lines may be displayed across the keyboard
• Fixes an issue that could cause camera flash to not go off
• Improves reliability of iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation) when connected to encrypted WPA2 Wi-Fi networks
• Resolves an issue that prevents iPhone from using the cellular network in some instances
• Consolidated the Use Cellular Data switch for iTunes Match
• Fixes a Passcode Lock bug which sometimes allowed access to Passbook pass details from lock screen
Fixes a bug affecting Exchange meetings
Hopefully the famous User taking ownership of meetings is resolved now
Ratish Nair
MVP Exchange Server
Team @MSExchangeGuru

2 Responses to “iOS 6 and Exchange meetings update !”

  1. Brian Says:

    Apparently – and it’s hard to find any information on this, as Apple will not give any more specifics – This fixes the bug where if someone declines a meeting iOS deletes the meeting off everyones calendar. Not the bug regarding ownership of meetings. That is expected in iOS6.1 which is probably still weeks away.

  2. Adrianna Says:

    Thank you.

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