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Exchange 2013: Unable to Create A Copy of the Database

I was working on the issue where someone messed up the database. Only 1st copy was mounted and other copies were not healthy.


3 data center expanded DAG

2 Data center has Exchange servers

1 Data Center has FSW

Only one data center is internet facing.



While creating a copy of the database on the 2nd server, we got the following errors.

First Error

The seeding operation failed. Error: An error occurred while performing the seed operation. Error: Failed to notify source server “server fqdn ” about the local truncation point. Hresult: 0xc8000713. Error: Unable to find the file.

2nd error

Failed to open a log truncation context to source server. Hresult: 0xc7ff1004. Error: Error returned from an ESE function call (-1305).


This is the issue with the old logs folder which was not in the sync.

For the 1st error.

-Login to the source server

-Remove the 2nd copy of the database

-Dismount the database

-Verify database is clean shutdown by running the command eseutil /mh driveletter:\database\database.edb

-Now rename the logs file folder to logs old.

-Mount the database

-Now the 1st issue will be fixed.


For the 2nd error.

-Login to the destination server where we are creating the 2nd copy

-Now rename the logs and database file folder by adding old prefix.

-Add the 2nd database copy.

-Now the 2nd issue will be fixed.

This environment was not backed up so there was a time when circular logging was enabled then disabled. After this one of the administrator messed up the database copies while expanding the C drive.



This most important thing is to remember the error and its code because error will not clearly tell you the cause of the issue.

Next important thing is to take all precaution even if the environment is not in production.


Prabhat Nigam

Microsoft MVP | Exchange Server


3 Responses to “Exchange 2013: Unable to Create A Copy of the Database”

  1. LoadWB Says:

    Worked perfectly. Five MBX server environment, six databases, two data-centers. Major cluster failure left one of the databases in an operational but very upset state, only working on one MBX server. Got the DAG and cluster jiving, then this fix. All is well.

  2. john Says:

    I have the same 1st error but with Exchange 2016 DAG. Can I apply this fix?

  3. Prabhat Nigam Says:

    Yes, It should work

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