Missed Call Notification Overview
The Missed call notification is one of the features in Exchange – Skype for business integration, and depend on the behavior of the incoming call as what will be described:
There is 3 scenarios depends on the behavior of the call:
- The call dropped after user got to the voice mail and record a message.
- The call dropped after user got to the voice mail without leaving a message.
The call dropped before the caller got to the voice mail
For the 1st Scenario the exchange UM will be responsible for Missed call notification and you can find the call info and recorded message on the path “C:Program FilesMicrosoftExchange ServerUnifiedMessagingvoicemail”
For the 2nd Scenario the exchange UM also will be responsible for the missed call notification and you can find the call info only on the same path as the 1st scenario.
The Exchange UM configuration depends on the UM dial plan that is assigned to the user and you can allow it by the below command:
“Set-UMMailboxPolicy -identity UMMailboxPolicyName -AllowMissedCallNotifications $true”
Note: there is a known issue may be happened if you have a mixed environment from Exchange 2010/2013; as if you have this type of environment you should specify dial plans assigned to Exchange 2010 servers and others assigned to exchange 2013 servers not assign the same dial plan to the 2 versions of exchange.
For the 3rd scenario the Lync client is responsible to send the missed call notification through EWS to the Exchange, and to do that there is only one option on the Lync client setting should be checked;
Tools – Options – personal – Save call logs in my email conversation history folder.
This option you may need to force it to be checked on unchecked by the Lync client policy by setting the parameter “EnableCallLogAutoArchiving”
Set-csclientpolicy –identity ClientPolicyName –EnableCallLogAutoArchiving [$True, $False, NULL]
$True: that sets the checkbox to on and grays out the option that unable the user to change it.
$False: that sets the checkbox to off and grays out the option that unable the user to change it.
NULL “the default option”: that doesn’t set the checkbox and the user should set it if want.
Ratish Nair
Microsoft MVP | Office Servers and Services
Team @MSExchangeGuru