Exchange 2016 – Set multiple owners to Distribution lists
One of exchange server challenges is to add multiple owner for distribution list to can manage it.
It is recommended to do the following steps to allow multiple users to modify add /remove membership of the DLs:
Step 1: Delegate the ownership of the group by the ManagedBy property by using “Set-DistributionGroup -Identity ‘<DL_name>’ -ManagedBy ‘user1’, ‘user2’,’user3′”
Step 2: In addition to being one of the group owners, users must be assigned a management role assignment policy that contains the My Distribution Groups and My Distribution Group Membership roles.
Note: if you want user can only add and remove membership of DL but can’t create and delete DL, you have to modify my distribution Group role because it contains the new-DistributionGroup and remove-Distirbutiongroup cmdlet as management role entry.
So we have to create a new role based on “My distribution groups” and remove new-distributiongrup and remove-distirbutiongroup cmdlet.
That can be done by following commands:
New-ManagementRole -Name “mydistributiongroups-custom” -Parent mydistributiongroups
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry mydistributiongroups-customnew-distributiongroup
Remove-ManagementRoleEntry mydistributiongroups-customremove-distributiongroup
Step 3: Create an assignment policy using “New-RoleAssignmentPolicy “DL policy” -Roles MyDistributionGroups-custom”
Step 4: The final step is to assign this policy to every owner’s mailbox using “Set-mailbox user1 -RoleAssignmentPolicy “DL Policy””
Now, DL’s owners will be able to add/remove member to Distribution group in Outlook and OWA (through ECP) as well but not able to create the new Distribution Group and deleted distribution group.
Ratish Nair
Microsoft MVP | Office Servers and Services
Team @MSExchangeGuru