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Skype for business – Analyze client logs using Snooper

For troubleshooting Skype for business client-side issues you should collect client logs and analyze them.

The main tool for analyzing the client logs is snooper which can be downloaded as a part of skype for business debugging tools.

Then start the snooper > File > open > choose the client log file with name “Lync-UccApi-0.UccApilog”

You should have the following screen

For easier troubleshooting you can open messages bar and use the toolbar for more options:

The most useful option is “show call flow window” which will get al messages related to the same session to be easier on track as following:

Then if you check any message on the call flow, the detailed message will be appear for you.

Ratish Nair

Microsoft MVP | Office Servers and Services

Team @MSExchangeGuru

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