Exchange 2016 – Error in message tracking
One of the normal operation as exchange administrator is tracking messages that may be needed for investigating delay or un-delivery of messages.
You may face an issue while search for the message as the following warning:
The message-tracking data on server mxtest.domain.local had invalid data in column 12 for this message. Event “THROTTLE” will be ignored
This may be due to corrupt message tracking logs in the following path:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\MessageTracking
Please try to search another mailbox and check if there is the same issue. If still the same, I recommend you use the following command to change the message tracking logs path :
Set-TransportService -Identity MailboxServerName -MessageTrackinglogPath “New Path”
Then, use the mailbox to send & receive few messages, and search delivery reports again to check if any issue still exists.
Ratish Nair
Microsoft MVP | Office Servers and Services
Team @MSExchangeGuru