Collab365 Global Conference: Securing your Infrastructure with Azure Multi-Factor Auth
Have you heard about the virtual Collab365 Global Conference 2017 that’s streaming online November 1st – 2nd?
Join me and 120 other speakers from around the world who will be bringing you the very latest content around SharePoint, Office 365, Flow, PowerApps, Azure, OneDrive for Business and of course the increasingly popular Microsoft Teams. The event is produced by the Collab365 Community and is entirely free to attend.
Places are limited to 5000 so be quick and register now.
If you have recently attended Microsoft Ignite Conference then you might also feel that Microsoft team total missed this important security topic which is about securing customer infrastructure using Azure Multi-factor Authentication. Last year we pointed Multi-Forest Hybrid slide of Microsoft Ignite 2016 was wrong and this year full topic. Nothing to worry, I am covering this topic in this conference. I’d love you to watch my session which is called: ‘Securing your infrastructure with Azure Multi-Factor Authentication’
Today, we can see so many hacks and spam attacks happening. It becomes a necessity to secure your infrastructure with multiple-factor authentications (MFAs). Microsoft Azure MFA is also capable of securing your infrastructure (private or cloud). Azure MFA can protect every application in a mix of web access proxy, RDWeb, ADFS and Azure MFA. This session will share the details how can everyone protect their cloud infrastructure using these technologies.
If you join me, you will learn:
- Benefits of Azure MFA for on-premise infrastructure
- How to configure Azure MFA on-Premise Server
- Azure MFA on-Premise Architecture Design
- Why should Azure MFA be implemented in every infra?
- Azure
- Security
- IT Architect
- IT Manager
Time: Wednesday, November 1st, 2017, 9:00 PM PST
How to attend:
- Register here.
- At the time listed above go here to watch my session. (you can also add me to your own personal planner from the agenda.
- Be ready to take notes!
Alright! See you there.
CTO @ Golden Five