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Exchange 2016 – HealthMailbox cannot access their mailbox

There is an Event that you may receive in you exchange server indicate the health mailbox cannot access their mailbox as following:

Event ID 1026: User “\healthmailbox1234” cannot access their mailbox on Mailbox server “***” because their mailbox quota has been exceeded.

This issue can be resolved by dele and recreate the Heath mailbox as following:

  • Run Get-Mailbox -Monitoring (This command will list all the Health Mailboxes that are available in the organization) There will be two health Mailboxes created for every Mailbox database (One for Mailbox & other for Public Folder).
  • Go to the ADUC. Navigate to ADDomain.Local/Microsoft Exchange System Objects/Monitoring Mailboxes. We can see all the Health Mailboxes listed. Select all of them & delete it.
  • Next we have to restart the Exchange Health Manager Service or the Exchange Server itself. This process will recreate the health mailboxes.
  • Now we can run the same command again Get-Mailbox -Monitoring to make sure all the Health Mailboxes a listed with the new names.

If you have multiple Mailbox Servers, simply restart the Exchange Health Manager Service on all the servers to get the health Mailboxes recreated back.

You can also run the following command to delete the health mailboxes:

Get-Mailbox -Monitoring | Remove-Mailbox (to remove all health Mailboxes)

For more information related to command “Get-Mailbox” please check the following URL:

For more information related to command “Remove-Mailbox” please check the following URL:

Ratish Nair

Microsoft MVP | Office Servers and Services

Team @MSExchangeGuru

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