Grant Send as Receive As permission in Exchange 2007
Granting permission has become much easier with Exchange 2007. We need to use the pwrshell to run the following cmdlets…
Grant Send as Receive As permission for a mailbox store
Add-ADPermission -Identity “Mailbox Store” -User “Username” -ExtendedRights Send-As
Add-ADPermission -Identity “Mailbox Store” -User “Username” -ExtendedRights Receive-As
Change “Mailbox Store to the name of the store” and “Username” to the alias of the account that needs access.
Wait for replication…
Grant Mailbox Access permission for a mailbox
Add-MailboxPermission “Mailbox” -User “Username” -AccessRights FullAccess
Mailbox should be the alias of the user of whom we need to grant permission
Username is the alias of the user to whom permission is being granted.