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Exchange 2013: Unable to open ECP while OWA is opening

Today, I was handing this issue and thought of sharing as there is no other blog available.


In this environment Owa was working just fine.

No other issue reported with Exchange 2013.

When we tried to open the ECP, we got the following error.

HTTP Error 500.21 – Internal Server Error

Handler “StaticFile” has a bad module “DefaultDocumentModule” in its module list.

The good thing about this error page is that it tells the resolution in Things you can try:


-Checked the web.config at c:inetpubwwwroot folder. No issue found.

-Checked IIS all looked good but DefaultDocumentModule found missing at IIS à Default Web Site à ECP à Modules

And at IIS à Exchange Back End à ECP à Modules

-Checked the applicationhost.config file for the modules at c:windowssystem32inetsrvconfig for the following entries. These entries were missing on this server.



<add name="DefaultDocumentModule" lockItem="true" />

-Ran the below cmd to add the Module.

c:windowssystem32inetsrvappcmd.exe install module /name:DefaultDocumentModule /image:%windir%system32inetsrvdefdoc.dll

You should see the below screen

If the module is already present then you will see the below screen

-Did IISReset

Issue got fixed.




Prabhat Nigam

Microsoft MVP | Exchange Server


2 Responses to “Exchange 2013: Unable to open ECP while OWA is opening”

  1. Pithoo Shu Says:

    Awesome Prabhat, Keep up the good work!

  2. Prabhat Nigam Says:

    Thank you.. You are my man in Sydney.. Keep in touch..

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