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Exchange – Exchange 2016 OWA issue after CU8

One of the known issue after installing cumulative update 8 that the users will not able to access OWA while the ECP is working well without any issue.

Users will receive the following error message when try to access OWA:

X-ClientId: C204BB8A75274F80994B95CE0663FA50

request-id c978436f-4c4f-452a-b5f5-4ac7f58ed560

X-OWA-Error Microsoft.Exchange.Diagnostics.ExAssertException

X-OWA-Version 15.1.1415.2

This topic is result of the AuthConfig certificate removal after the installation and need to request a new certificate as following:


New-ExchangeCertificate -KeySize 2048 -PrivateKeyExportable $true -SubjectName “cn= Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate” -FriendlyName “Microsoft Exchange Server Auth Certificate” -Services smtp -DomainName “Domain Name”


Then follow the next steps to assign the new certificate:

  • $a=get-date
  • Set-AuthConfig -NewCertificateThumbprint 7A39541F8DF58D4821967DD8F899B27410F7C081 –NewCertificateEffectiveDate $a
  • Accept to continue despite the fact that the certificate effective date is not 48 hours into the future
  • Set-AuthConfig –PublishCertificate
  • Make sure to remove any potential reference to the previous certificate (which might not exist anymore) by doing “Set-AuthConfig –ClearPreviousCertificate”.

Note the Exchange 2016 cumulative update can be downloaded from following link:

Ratish Nair

Microsoft MVP | Office Servers and Services

Team @MSExchangeGuru

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